How I Learned Web Development To Get A Job At Top Product-Based Companies As Software Engineer

How I Learned Web Development To Get A Job At Top Product-Based Companies As Software Engineer

In this article let me tell you how I learned web development and landed a job at top product-based companies in India. A brief introduction about myself, I graduated in 2019 from a mediocre college in Pune. I have previously worked in top tech companies like Paytm and now I currently work at Dream11.

My web development journey started when I was in 3rd year of college. Before that, I was doing some Leetcode and competitive coding but hadn’t done any real development. So there was not any project on my resume. In 3rd year, I had to apply for internships. I checked Internshala & LinkedIn & what I saw really shook me. No one really cared about the competitive coding on my resume. Everyone wanted some knowledge of real-world coding. Everyone wanted skills like React, Angular, Nodejs, Django, Flask, AWS, GCP, etc. So I made up my mind and started working on acquiring these skills.

The first technology which I decided to was Nodejs. I always wanted to build great web applications and Nodejs was the perfect tool to do so. So I searched online & found this awesome Udemy course on Nodejs and building web applications in general. This course took me around 2–3 months to complete along with my college work. It taught me basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript & NodeJs along with its templating engine EJS to render and display server-side rendered content. After completing this course I had 2–3 projects on my resume along with some knowledge of deployment on Heroku as well. The main project consisted of full fledge camp locations review sites where users can login/signup, add a camping site, add reviews on it, comment and like the site, etc.

So after the first semester of 3rd year, I had 2–3 projects on my resume. But now I was hooked on Web Development, I loved doing it so much that I decided to keep going. I had 6 more months before the companies start appearing for college placements. So I started learning Python & Django. The reason for learning these technologies as I had seen a lot of job listings that required those skills.

I learned Python from a Programiz website, this site contains an extremely beginner-friendly structure for learning this programming language. After completing the Python tutorial, I was feeling confident in it and jumped in for learning Django. I followed tutorials of Django Girls which teaches Django in a very practical and easy way. Using this website, you learn Django by building a blogging application. Also, you get a chance to deploy that web application & show it off on your resume.

So in around 8–9 months, I have added 4 projects to my resume. Now I had the last 2–3 months, so I decided to do a few more complicated projects so that my resume stands out from everyone else. The first project which I decided to pick up was building a Twitter Clone. I build a site where users can tweet, follow and get a following, like a tweet, and comment on it. I used technologies like Django, and Postgres & deployed the app on AWS. Another project I built using the same technologies was a To-Do List app. In this app users could login/signup, add their todo’s, and mark them complete or delete them.

So after doing all these things, I was very confident in web development and my resume was also standing out from everyone else. In July 2018, companies started to visit campus for our placements. I got placed in the first company which visited our campus due to my skills and projects.

So to cut the long story short, the things which helped me get a job at a good product-based company were my problem-solving skills & the projects that I build after learning web development. Hope this article will help you if you are unsure about the things that you need to do to get a good job.

So hope you would have got some idea about how to learn web development and create an awesome resume. If you have any suggestions feel free to add them in the comments below. Please clap if you liked the content. Do follow me on my YouTube channel where I am publishing a lot of great content.

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